So about 2-3 weeks ago I purchased a new (to me) motorcycle, sight unseen (sorta) I got to look at pictures of this bike on the internet and via e-mail. Spoke to Lowell (previous owner) on the phone several times and finally just dropped the hammer and bought it. I had found a moving company to move the bike from Albuquerque, NM down here for around $400. So if you ever need to move a vehicle and run across Dealer to Dealer on the internet... AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS!!!! I got nothing but a run around from these people and they still have not returned my $100 deposit.
These people told me that my bike would be here on the 23rd of Jan. I was hopeful and anxious. Needless to say, they fucking suck and my bike never got here. So... Long story short, I said fuck it, the trip up and down would cost me a tad bit less on fuel than I was getting charged by that company so I hooked up my trailer, grabbed a blanket, pillow, riding gear, handgun and toothbrush and took off around 2 pm after working a 12hr night shift. I actually stopped for a snack and for fuel (obviously) and got some of those 5 hour energy drinks that turned out to work pretty damn good. So I just took off driving. The drive was mostly uneventful. Drove to San Antonio, out to Junction then west on I-Fucking-10... Longest, boringest <--- is that even a word? drive ever. Went as far as Ft Stockton or the likes and pulled over for about an hour because I had been getting cross eyed and seeing shit on the road for about 30 minutes prior to that and I knew I needed the shut eye. Slept for about an hour and then just got up, turned the truck on and kept on trucking. Got to hell Paso finally, drove right through and kept going all the way up to Albuquerque. All in all it was about 16 hours of travel. I got to Lowell's house and parked outside as we had agreed and fell asleep for about an hour and a half so I could get some rest and wait for him to wake up.
I woke up to the sound of the garage opening up. I opened my eyes and knew I needed more rest, but to be honest, I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead (name the movie that line comes from) .
So I met Lowell. Young guy. Nice, amicable. I could see a slight sadness in his eyes knowing his baby was going home with me that day, and I understood it. He knew it was going to a good home where she would be loved just as much as he had loved her. Although I will probably put more miles on it than he did, but that is just me.
Lowell's family was still sleeping, but we cranked that beast up anyway. Just the purr was mesmerizing to me. I couldn't believe how awesome she sounded. Pulled her out of the garage and I just HAD to take her out for a quick spin, not only because its the logical thing to do when buying something, but because she was calling me, daring me to be captivated by her feel, her torque and her power.... and by the way, her name is now Monica.
I went up and down the street for a bit, and I must say above all else I was freezing my ass off!! But I instantly fell in love and knew that I had found my bike... I have heard it said best, "you don't sit on this bike, you become part of it" and that is exactly what happened as I climbed on. I could almost feel myself become part of the bike and I hadn't done that with another bike ever before. I loved it!
Lowell and I did the necessary paper work and chit chatted for a bit. I also gave him this blog address, so Lowell, to you I say thank you for a gorgeous bike, your hopitality and kindness. Rest assured your motorcycle has landed in safe hands and will be well looked after.
Lets see... after that I just got back in the truck and started driving back. Got to the first fuel spot I could find, loaded up on gas, put oil in my Tahoe as it seems I was running low, and started my drive back. Not much going on with the drive back, just did most of it during the day. got about 2 hours outside of SA and had to sleep. This time I knocked out for about 3 hours. Got up, and kept driving. Got home finally around 2 am. Unloaded the bike and then crashed out for a couple of hours as I had a group ride the next morning.
I will update on those rides and put up some pictures after I get back today from doing some more riding...