Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some Body Aches

So I have found that I'm not in the best shape of my life... seems as that is THE story of my life for the last 10 or so years.  Anyhow, I decided to do something that I really enjoyed and have actually missed doing... boxing.  So I signed up and have started boxing again.  I have to say, save for the pain I'm feeling in muscles and places I forgot I had, I am loving it.  My bone spurred toe, and my messed up rotator cuff in my shoulder be damned, I'm gonna box!!

First time I went back I almost puked.  Been that long.  Then of course Gavin ended up in the hospital with the Flu, then his momma did.  Sucked all the way around and I didn't box all last week except for once.

This week I went in on Monday and we did cardio.  Running (which I don't like at all ) then jump rope for 6 minutes, i think about 150-200 jumps (or something like that, I stopped counting and started trying to concentrate on not passing out) then we did 5 rounds of :

squat jumps
ninja squats
side jumping squats
ski run
3 pionters
and a 3 point oblique thing from the pushup position that I don't know what it is called.
Then Abs.

Needless to say, I am very sore.

I was kinda let down that when I got off of work and went home to change and go box, I got there to find that they didn't open today due to the cold weather.  BOO!!!! what a let down.  I wanna train.  I'm starting to look forward towards it.  Hopefully Roberto will be in this afternoon and I can go in.

I have a goal, and I shall reach it!!