So I went riding with a co-worker's husband. I had never been riding with this guy before and had never met him, but his wife said he was a good guy and that he loved to ride... a little bit of a biased opinion but I took her word for it ;) hahaha. So I was supposed to meet Harry in Palmview and take off around the back roads to end up somewhere north of us and hopefully somewhere for breakast. The area around here sucks for any semblance of twisties or turns and there are very few roads to take that actually have a twist or turn worth a shit in em. But if you know where you're going, you can find em. So I hadn't called Harry to make definite plans, but we HAD agreed to meed in Palmview and go from there. So Sunday morning, I'm up early and out the door. I get to Palmview and stop to give him a call. Wifey answers and turns out he has already taken off to Harlingen to ride his usual ride. Ahh Fuck!! So Christiane, how long ago did he leave? 15 minutes you say? and he's going to Harlingen? Cool, I'll catch him... hahahaha yea, RIGHT!!! Harry, as I soon came to find out, hauls ass on his FJZ and as much as I was traveling at a continued 120mph on the expressway all the way to Harlingen, he was there well before I was.
Totally giving me the "what the fuck took you so long?" look. Harry is a little older than I am, but getting to know him, he's probably as young if not younger than me at heart. Harry has traveled many different places on his bike and used to be a racer back in the day. Definitely a guy that knows his way around a motorcycle and riding. Turns out he's a hell of a nice guy to boot.
We took off north with a couple of other guys from the group, deciding to go to Raymondville for some breakfast (nice little restaruant by the way)
Dale was one of the other guys we rode with. He rides a Harley (we won't hold that against him seeing as how he's 79 and rides that thing all over the country still). Very nice guy, laid back, kinda quiet, but has a good sense of humor.
This very quiet and cool cat with the Silver dollars in his pocket (long story) is Bugs. Not sure how old, but he rides a huge GoldWing that needs not to be washed as its not dirty yet ;) hahaha
Nice guy, rides mellow, but rides.... we rode for a while then we all split up. It was a good day and it was good to finally meet and ride with Harry. We were soon to do it again. But that will be the next post.
WOW ! What a great writeup....Tell it like it is Bro
Can't wait to read your next post.
DAMN ! I'm smiling ear to ear...Now that's a fuckin big smile :)
hey.. hey..
silver highlights showing. ;p
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