Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day at the zoo...

So I had promised Tash that I would take her to the zoo if she did well this week in school, and she followed through and did very well. So I came through as well and took her. Called Victor and Theresa and found out that they too would go with us and take the girls.

Took off around 11 or noon or something like that, not sure. 3 girls, 3 aduldts, or 3 large children rather.

Stopped off in San Benito at the Longhorn for some BBQ which was awesome. Kids enjoyed it as well.

Got in to Brownsville and headed in to the zoo. It was quite packed today and luckily it wasn't as hot as yesterday.

Following are some random pictures. enjoy.


Giselle said...

ha. Those are some great pics. Wonder who taught Tash that face... ha :D

Marcos said...

That is her pretend "I'm pissed" face. She learned that all on her own.

machete said...

haha Tash with the Garza girls. bet you guys had a hell of a time. :D