Saturday, October 25, 2008

So this last week was interesting...

I was reading an article on the local newspaper website about local hospitals and how long the waits are etc. etc. And the article has a spot where readers can make their comments and what not. As I sat there reading this shit, I was tempted to write my own comments in but decided against it because they (my comments) would get banned or blocked because of my colorful use of language.

So the complaint goes as follows... as always.

And you can read all the comments at the bottom of that page.

My response is as follows...

Hey, you fucking imbecilic moronic idiots... pull your heads out of your collective asses. YES, a hospital IS a business, YES it is going to bill you for anything and everything they can. THAT is how businesses make money, you fucking idiots!!! Did you really think that a group of people got together to plan a way of helping you for free? To put their time in college and collective education to work for YOU and not get paid for it?

What you morons fail to realize when you run your mouths about the ER's in almost every city, is the following. ER's are flooded with illegal immigrants and people with no money, no insurance, and with no intention of paying the bill because "they have no money" or because "medicaid should pick it up" or because like so many people that want Universal Health Care, they feel entitled to it. Also, another thing that floods every single ER in the country, is shit that does not belong there. Cough, cold, fever, headaches, scratches, and all kind of minimal injuries that can be taken care of at home or at a Dr's office or night clinic. Why don't these get taken to Clinics or Dr's offices? well because they charge you at the time of your visit, the hospital doesn't. Do you really think this is a coincidence that someone comes in with a child that has a fever, and mom decides to go ahead and have the other 3 kids seen at the same time "since she's already there"? Gimme a fucking break!!!! America, pull your head out of your ass!!!!!!! You wonder why you have to wait? You wonder why it takes forever to get to a room then get seen by a Dr.? Because there is usually 1(one) Dr for at least 15 -20 patients, and he only sees one at a time.

If you eliminated all the needless cases that come in to the ER, there would be NO WAIT TIMES. If true emergencies were the only thing to come to the ER, there would not be the long wait times you have now.

Fevers, can be taken care of at home. When you come in, with 4 kids dragging behind you, all of them with a McDonalds bag, a toy from home and you have a pack of smokes in your pocket... Guess what motherfucker, you have money to buy some fucking tylenol and some ibuprofen to keep your kids temp down... and while you're at it, take the fucking blanket off of your already roasting child. you don't need an ER, you need your kids taken away until you can learn how to prioritize and learn how to take care of them.

The dumbass that brings in her 10 year old daughter because she got a "cat bite" on her hand and both myself and the nurse had a hard time finding "the scratch" (I'm not exaggerating) on her hand where supposedly she had been bitten takes up a room and a lot of time that is unnecesarry. I mean seriously, skin was not broken, not an injury. WHO THE FUCK GOES TO THE ER FOR THAT!?!?!? fucking twat!!

The 15 y/o pregnant girl who was there because her mom thought that since the police officer had spoken harshly to her, she should be checked by the ER "just in case".... JUST IN CASE WHAT YOU FUCKING TWAT!?!?!? So when I go to draw the dumbass girls' blood, she starts crying "no shots, I don't like shots" The nurse explains to her, "Look, this is part of getting you checked and make sure you're ok, but you're pregnant and therefore emancipated. You can decide if you want treatment or not" So she looks at mommy for an answer. "No! Nobody is talking to your mother, we are talking to YOU!!!! Do YOU want to be seen by the ER Dr?" She says no. So then we tell her to get up, turn around and walk out because there is a long line of people that DO want to be seen... and WE get yelled at and cussed at for being rude... GAWD I just wanted to tell them both, "You're both fucking morons!!!!! Who brings their kid to an ER because she was spoken to harshly by a police officer?!?!?!? Maybe if your 15 y/o pregnant daughter wasn't in a situation where a cop had to yell at her, or maybe even if your daughter wasn't 15 and pregnant, you wouldn't even be here. How about you quit trying to justify your every action and watch your kids better?!"


But have I mentioned that I really DO love my job, sadly my job does not allow me to voice my opinion and thoughts to everyone that comes through the door. This is just a small rant to those out there that just don't fucking get it. I know, I know, they NEVER will. This cycle will never end, and I'm ok with that because its job security and it means I can provide for my daughter. I just wanted to rant a bit about how blinded people are. How stupid they can be... and how home remedies have gone the way of the dinosaur ever since medicaid came into play.

Hopefully I get more to rant about this week when I go back to work. :)

Till next time

Saturday, October 18, 2008

To avoid the "evil eye", u take a deer's eye, dry it out, and then fashion it into a bracelet. Wear at all times.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mexicans First Aid Kits and Home Remedies

So we've talked about it before, and now we're going to define it a little bit better.

What is a Mexican First Aid Kit actually filled with? What do some of the Mexican home remedies consist of? Let us explore...

1.) Vicks Vap-O-Rub. Apparently it works on everything, including sprains, strains and swelling. Young mexican Britney Spears looking chic came in to the ER tonight with her little girl. Apparently a glass table had fallen on the little girl's foot and it was bleeding a bit, so of course the obvious thing to do is? Wait for it.... PUT VICKS ON IT!!! Of course!!! Bah! hahaha

2.) A red string.... Yes, you read that correctly. A red string. It is used to cure hiccups. You lick the string, place it on the forehead of the hiccupee and it is said to cure the hiccups. Try it, I never have, but who knows, weirder shit has worked.

3.) An Egg. And egg is used by curanderos or believers in some sort of magic used to cure the "evil eye". You rub the egg all over the body and it is said to take out the evil spirits in you (or some shit like that, I'm sure if anyone can correct me, they will, but that is the best way I can explain it) After that you crack the egg open, and it is supposed to be black and you put it in a glass and leave it under the sick persons bed so the evil spirits will stay away. I don't know how all of this works as I've never been in to magic and that stuff, but that is how it was explained to me

4.) Savila, or Aloe Vera Plant. Now this one I understand. It is actually a very good herbal remedy for many things. How do I know this? Had it used on me many times as a child and in my youth. I've even gotten to use it on my own kiddo. It is a very good plant to have around. I recommend it highly.

5.) Monkey Blood (merbromin) is a antaseptic that turns red and looks like monkey blood. Used on any type of scratch, scrape or laceration. Its a must have. haha

6.) Rubbing Alcohol. This one baffles me... Every time (both as a medic and an ER Tech) someone has passed out in the Mexican community, there has been a faithful (or 2 or more) family member present to rub down (yes, the entire body) the faintee's body with Alcohol. Why? meh, I don't know. but its always made me laugh. Alcohol is used widely and regularly in the Mexican community.

7.) Salt and Lime. Don't ask me, but I'm told its to cure Pink Eye. It kills the infection, and if you're infection is not that bad, you can use that shit for a beer too. Hahaha, fucking mexicans. Too funny

8.) A quarter (yes, the monetary kind), a candle, and a glass. You take a quarter and place it on the chest, light the candle and drop some wax on the quarter then stick the candle to the quarter. Then you put a glass on top of it and it sucks any air in the body out that may be causing pain. I'm still laughing about this one.

9.) A Piece of Newspaper rolled into a cone. Stick it in your ear, light the end furthest from head on fire, and let it burn down so it can suck away ear wax and ear pain. The vortex of fire is a cure all!!!

10.) Alcohol mixed with marijuana, for rheumatoid arthritis. You take a dime bag, or a twenty bag, depending on how bad your arthritis is and you put the weed in the alcohol, let it turn green, then rub it over the affected areas. I say take the weed, smoke it all in a bowl, carb it and everything, then get a bottle of Glenlivit, and drink it. All pain gone. Have beer on hand for hangover next morning

11.) Mustard and Toothpaste. If you have any type of burns on the body, you take a healthy amount of Mustard or Toothpaste and rub it all over the burns. I have no clue in hell what all this can do for a burn, but I've seen it on too many occasions. And if nothing else, use butter. you'll taste better.

12.) Manzanilla Tea. This one is actually supposed to work. Its for cholic like symptoms. Seems to work.

13.) Bacon and Salt. OMG!!! I about pissed myself laughing about this one just now. If you have a boil/abscess on your body, you take a piece of bacon, some salt and a bandaid. Put some salt, then bacon, then the bandaid on the boil/abscess and soon it will open and be cured up. I'm still laughing

14.) Checking pediatric Temperature. If a child (of the male persuasion) has fever, his balls will be sagging. priceless, thank you Jessica

15.) "La Moyera" Sunken Fontanelle Treatment. Having sunken fontanelle's in a chid also known as 'dehydration'. You take the child and turn him/her upside down and pop them on the soles of their feet until the fontanelles pop out. Or you take your thumb and push on the upper palate of the mouth until it pops back out.

16.) Baby's that wont sleep.. Bathe them in tub filled with water and Lettuce (unknown if carrots, salt and any particular lettuce is needed.)

17.) Whiskey. This is used for the gums of infants that are teething. It soothes the pain.

18.) Also, never go outside with your hair wet, cuz you'll get pneumonia.

19.) Potato slices on bruises, helps to make the bruising go away and the potato turns purple.

20.) A bowl of eggs. If you happen to be a man with a low sperm count, or infertile, you can take a bowl, put water in it, and place the eggs in the water. All this at regular temperature. Sit down, with your balls in the water, and your sperm count should increase significantly.

21.) Warm tomatoes. You slice up some tomatoes, warm them up and place the slices on your neck when your have tonsilitis. This is to help decrease the swelling of the tonsils.

22.) A cooked bag of onions. If a child has asthma, you take a cooked bag of onions, place it on the child's feet and the asthma should clear up. Also, a chihuahua breed dog, sleeping with the asthmatic child, should clear up any asthma problems. Of course the chihuahua ends up with the asthma.

23.) Potatoes can also be used for welders eyes. Cold potatoes out of the fridge, sliced, placed on the eyes and wrapped with what I'm assured MUST be a RED bandana for this to work.

24.) Garlic. Used for Hypertension. Whole cloves can be taken if you are feeling chest pain and fear you may be having a heart attack. Also, if you get a cactus thorn in you, you can put garlic on it to remove any remnants of said thorn from your body.

25.) Salt and Lime... yet again. If you have athletes/stinky feet, you can soak them in Salt and Lime water for a good amount of time to get the stink off.

26.) Spider Webs & Onion skin. If you have a cut or laceration, place either onion skin or spiderweb on said cut to stop the bleeding.

27.)Empacho. Also known as being full. What they do to you is while you're laying on your stomach, a chunk of skin on your back is pinched and pulled away from your body until you feel better. Don't ask me, I've never had it done.

and if you get your feet wet, be sure to get your hair wet so you don't get sick, it kinda evens things out.

I want to mention that all of these remedies are copyright property of Marcos J. de Peña. They can be used by anyone.

I also want to thank, Lupe Ruiz, Lupe Tech, Tito and Jessica for the input and for nearly giving me a stroke laughing my ass off.

If anyone (mexican or other has any home remedies or anything else I may have left out) chime in and let me know.

I'm going home.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

OH yeah!!

Forgot to mention, my sisters wedding went off without a hitch. It was awesome. Had a great time and danced a bit. Much to someone's chagrin, yes, I did dance. HAHAHAHAHAHA

More updates....

So I had to go to work today, and I was doing okay until the fucking headache started. I'm not sure as to what the hell it is all about, but for the last week and a half my head has been continously pounding. So I made a deal with Tito that if I could go home early I would come in on Thursday until at least 1am.

I had an interesting situation happen with a certain someone. Needless to say that is all over with and I certainly believe that some mexican women are the anti-christ. It was quite comical to be honest. Oh well. some women lose out on good guys because they're not mentally stable.

I'm watching 'Dazed and Confused', such an awesome flick. great cars, great looking women, and a bunch of cock sucking jocks. Ha! I am seriously wanting a mid 60's hot rod.

I'm going to try and finish this movie then get some rest.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Seriously!!!??? Are you serious

Ok.... if you're gonna come to the ER and complain about how your feet are discolored and you think it may be because you have blood clots in you legs, make sure the filthy fucking shoes you are wearing WITHOUT socks on are not the same color on the inside as the discoloration on your fucking feet. Here's a tissue ya moron, now that you cleaned your feet, you can go home.... Lupe wants your number cuz he's gonna miss your dumb ass!!!

Fucking idiots. Nothing is better than the ER for comic relief

Forgot to mention, this grown, educated man, is a professor at UTPA, no wonder education is so fucked up nowadays.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Update . . .

I need to update my blog.... I will, quit yer cryin!!!

Update . . .

I need to update my blog.... I will, quit yer cryin!!!