So after the Machete Hash, I figured my fatass needed to get in better shape because had I needed to run (after unloading 3 magazines full of .45 caliber of course) I probably wouldn't have gotten very far as I'm overweight, out of shape and usually not very inspired to run (not even at a hash). I had mentioned this to JD and really didn't think too much about it afterwords and started trying to figure out how to go about it. A couple of days later I get a call and a webpage from JD telling me that it just might help. I was like "great, I'll check it out". Turns out that it is a web page to help you count your daily caloric intake. My first response was "Calorie counter? I don't need no stinkin calorie counter!" (if you don't know the original line, or the original accent to that, rent Blazin Saddles and get back to me) but then I realized that anything would be worth a shot.
So I started counting calories. Input my info and came to the conclusion that I'm "clinically obese" due to the fact that I weigh too much for a man my age and my height. So I said "fuck it" time to fix it. Started counting that very day and here we are 10 days later and 7 lbs less, and I'm feeling great. Started working out, weights, cardio (spin class is the work of the devil) and just eating a much healthier diet (not dieting). I've gone from a possibly 3,000-5,000 calorie a day diet to under 2,000 cals a day. I've cut out as much red meat as possible and more than anything I've cut out fast food. It is what was killing me the most. Pants are fitting me very loose, my gut is not as visible and my riding jacket actually goes on without me having to suck in my gut.
Yeah, I'm feeling awesome.
I'm still not anywhere near Trojan level with my workouts nor do I think I will be for a while, but hopefully someday pretty soon, the change will be readily noticeable and permanent.
Thanks JD.
Faaaaaaaaaattt guy in a little coat!!!!!!!!!!
Dude...come play with me...
hill sprints/stairs and spin classes oh my:)
Trojan, the whole "playing with you" is so enticing, but I greatly fear that you mean more like "come try to keep up with my weakest workout" and I'll fail miserably at this point. Gimma a bit of time and I'll come play. Spin class is Satan's work. Anything else will make me vomit and shat myself at the same time, which may actually be a site to see, depending on what you're in to ;) hahaha
:( skeered!!!
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